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Bruxism in children is generally not something you, as a parent, should worry about. Teeth grinding in children is rather common. But in 30% of child bruxism cases, the clenching and grinding are too strong, damaging your child’s teeth. In this article, you will find out the information you need to know about children bruxism and what you can do to stop it.

The causes of children bruxism

Around 70% of the children living in the US are suffering from bruxism, but only a few don’t outgrow this condition. Dental specialists are still trying to pinpoint the exact source of teeth grinding in children, but it is believed that misaligned teeth and underdeveloped nervous system are the primary culprits. Children who are in pain, anxious or too stressed are more likely to suffer from bruxism. Studies show that teeth grinding and clenching are associated with cerebral palsy, hyperactivity, or the result of certain common medications. Bruxism can be a nocturnal (during the night) or diurnal (during the day) condition.

Bruxism signs and symptoms

The children suffering from bruxism may have headaches, jaw aches, earaches, facial pain, jaw problems, eroded teeth, chipped teeth, and TMD. It is crucial to find out if your child has bruxism and what causes it. You can take them to a dentist and determine the source of the grinding.

How to find out if they have it

You can try to find out by yourself if your child is clenching and grinding their teeth, but it may prove tricky. Most of the time, the person who suffers from bruxism is not aware of the condition, so even if you ask them, they will deny it.

Try checking in on your child during the night for grinding noises. You can also ask a sibling (if you have more than one child) if they hear any strange noises during the night. In addition to this, if your child is complaining that they have a sore jaw, pain when chewing, or sensitive teeth, you should take them to a dentist to determine if they have bruxism or not.

Kids get stressed easier than adults and are more likely to clench and grind their teeth. If your child experiences high levels of anxiety in general, by reducing or eliminating the stress factors, you will also stop the bruxism episodes. You can try stress-relieving interventions, such as a warm bath and soothing tadalafil overnight delivery canada music after dinner.

Take them to the dentist

If you believe your child is suffering from bruxism, you should schedule a dental consultation to receive a proper diagnosis and efficient treatment. One of the most common treatment options is the custom mouth guard that prevent the teeth from coming together during sleep. You dentist may also offer special medication that will help prevent your child best generic levitra overnight from feeling stressed and anxious. In general, most children outgrow this condition, but if your child suffers from it, you should not directly assume that bruxism is not a dangerous condition. Take your child to the dentist and stop the bruxism as soon as possible.

For more information about teeth grinding in children you should ask your dentist.
